By donating to the fundraiser we have set up at GFA, for every dollar you donate, we will discount the price of your puppy by that amount. Dollar For Dollar.
That's it. No strings attached. You help out children in need across the globe, we say thank you.
You even receive the charitable donation receipt instead of us.
Our goal is to raise $10, annually towards the Street Children's Ministry in Asia. This will provide shelter, education, food, and the love of Christ to children who currently have nothing.
So please, please, like and share this page, share the message, and go to to donate. Then tell all your friends about how you are making a difference AND adopting a new puppy.
While you are there, please spend some more time on GFA's website and learn about the amazing work they are doing to help the less fortunate in some of the most impoverished areas of the world.
Discarded, Abandoned and Abused - But not Forgotten
Millions of children find themselves discarded, orphaned, abused in the sex trade or kidnapped and sold into bonded labour. Others are simply runaways. All of these scenarios have led to millions of abandoned children left behind by their society and culture.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
James 1:27
Offer Them a Safe Haven
Gospel for Asia has a home for runaway and abandoned children. Those serving in this place give the little children protection and strive to reunite them with their families.
We are up to something HUGE. CEG has decided to give you the opportunity to be a part of something worldwide. To make the difference in the lives of children who have nothing.
Many companies donate to charities from the proceeds of their sales. We have too. Now that is about to change. We are handing over the reins to you. You decide how much of the price of your goldendoodle or poodle puppy you would like donated to GFA.
Goldendoodle Teddy |
BARF Diet |
Early Neural Stimulation |
Rescue Shelters |
Upcoming Litters |
Christmas Puppies |
February Puppies |
Choosing a Puppy |
Choosing a Puppy Part 2 |
Puppy Showcase |
Goldendoodle Puppies - Newborn |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 1 |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 2 |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 3 |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 4 |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 5 |
Goldendoodle Puppies Week 6 |
Newborn Poodles for Sale |
Poodle Puppies Week 1 |
Poodle Puppies Week 2 |
Poodle Puppies Week 3 |
Poodle Puppies Week 4 |
Poodle Puppies Week 5 |
Poodle Puppies Week 6 |
Poodle Puppies Week 7 |
8 Week Old Poodle Puppies |
© 2015 Canadian English Goldendoodles: Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2Z1W7, 403-335-5915